Chinese Login
NPUST Log-in
  1. Validate Code
    (Please enter them in the blank below)
Log-in Problems
  1. Forget your password? Please click “forget password”to report.
  2. If you fail to access to the system, please email Computer Center and provide your account name, belonging department, and ID number.

Log-in page of Campus Portal
 1.All faculties and staff can access to
       and use campus information system with
       their E-mail account name and password.
 2.E-mail, Moodle, and
       meeting management system have been
       integrated into this system.

 1.You can access to this by your E-mail
       account and password.
 2.Your account will be locked when
       a wrong account name and password
       have been provided for 3 times.

To apply for a new account
New faculties and staff should fill out the
application form for an email account to
apply an account.